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Meetings are convened two or three times a year. They are usually held in London but, if appropriate, they may be held elsewhere and it has been customary to arrange a summer visit to an outdoor site, museum or building of historical interest.

Forthcoming Meetings...

The next meeting, on the 'History of Veterinary Ophthalmology', will be held on Wednesday 4 September 2024 at St John’s College, Cambridge.  See full programme for further details and booking information.


The joint meeting with International Cat Care and RCVS Knowledge was held on Friday 10 June at the RCVS. It had a working title ‘People, cats and vets through history.


Find out the details from the International Cat Care website



The 42nd Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine (WAHVM) was held at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna July 27th to July 30th, 2016. The congress was a joint conference with the European Association of Veterinary Anatomists (EAVA).

Find out about it at the WAHVM website




The meeting on Wednesday 2nd December 2015 was held at the RCVS included the AGM.


Here is the agenda.





The Biennial Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, hosted by the Veterinary History Society was held at Imperial College London, 10-13 September 2014.


This event, held for the first time in Britain, welcomed speakers from 30 countries to address the twin themes of 'One Health' (connections between human and animal medicine) and 'War, animals and the veterinary profession.' There were also sessions on veterinary collections, general veterinary history and oral history. 


Key notes were delivered by Professor Donald F. Smith, Professor of Surgery and Dean Emeritus at Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine ('History of One Health'), and Dr Hilda Keane, Ruskin College, Oxford ('War, Animals and the Veterinary Profession'), who also led a walk on 'Animal pasts in Hyde Park.'


There was a reception at the Royal Veterinary College, Camden, and a conference dinner at King's College London.

Putting on this meeting was a huge achievement on the part of the organising committee. It brought the VHS on to the international stage, elevated the profile of veterinary history, and won plaudits from around the globe.

The congress timetable can be viewed here and there is also a report of the event. The photo slideshow will open in a new window.


The Congress timetable (554Kb)


The Congress Report (29Kb)


Slideshow of photos of the reception and the congress.


Created by the Veterinary History Society 

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